
Please login to your account for the Personal Learning Resource Library (PLRL) to enable the PLRL to be customised better for your needs and preferences and access user specific features. If you do not have a PLRL account yet, please register here.

Note all fields are mandatory

Email address appears invalid or is missing — a valid email address is required.
Password is not in the correct format — a valid password is required.

Reminder of Password Rules

Your password must be at least 8 characters long (and less than 255 characters) and contain both letters and numbers. Special characters are also allowed and encouraged but not mandatory.

If you still can't remember your password, you may email paul.albinson@utas.edu.au to request it is reset.

Registration: If you do not have a PLRL account, please register here.


If you have any queries or feedback, need help, or have anything else to discuss about the PLRL, please email Paul Albinson - paul.albinson@utas.edu.au